What people are saying.

  • “I was a bit apprehensive about attending the workshop but it was a great experience. I haven't enjoyed or gotten much from this type of workshop in the past, but Joy's vast knowledge of psychology and brain science added SO much substance to the information! It gave me an important perspective shift that will truly improve and enhance my life. She also made it a welcoming, comfortable experience and all seemed to relax and enjoy it.”

    — Helen Rake, May 2024

  • “I attended a Sound Immersion Group and was blown away. There was such beauty in the assembly of people coming together to enjoy the relaxation that comes wtih sound baths.

    — Molly P. July 2024

  • Breathwork with Joy is truly healing. She intoduced me to coffee breathing, water breathing, and multiple exercises to refocus the mind. I have myself naturally using the techniques she taught me in my everyday life. I even hear her in my head walking me through the steps. She's an absolute light in this world, and cares about her clients. I strongly recommend any type of session with Joy, as I have experienced them all and anjoyed them!

    Shelby Nish, November 2024